
Showing posts with the label ground

In Ground Grease Trap

Coffee Food Filtration Boxes. Grease interceptor pumping is a permanent on-going monthly expense. Pin On Conventional Passive Grease Traps Grease traps can be located above ground below ground inside the kitchen or outside the building. In ground grease trap . What is a Grease Trap. Lightweight versatile and easy to install. The popular high performance stainless steel filtration grease trap. A grease trap sometimes referred to as a grease interceptor is a plumbing device designed to capture fats oils and greases FOG before they enter the wastewater system. The cost to install is outrageous with poor performance for the restaurant. Below Ground Grease Traps. Lightweight versatile and easy to install. It is specifically designed to slow the flow of warmhot greasy waste water from commercial kitchens and food preparation areas allowing the waste water to cool. Jul 29 2015 - Landfill or Hazardous Waste non-recyclable from Food Service Establishments or restaurants on